Adam Park
Name: Adam Park
D.O.B.: 12th December
Also Known As: Black Ranger, Black Ninja, Zeo Ranger IV, Green
Turbo Ranger.
From: Dallas, lived in Stone Canyon before moving to Angel Grove.
Has Korean heritage.
Introduced: In "The Ninja Encounter Pt 1". He helped to
rescue a baby in Angel Grove park.
Became a Power Ranger: when Zack left for the Peace Conference.
Replaced by: Carlos, one of his soccer students.
Personality: quiet, honourable, supportive and encouraging.
Hobbies and Skills: martial arts, soccer, baseball, and creative
Romance: Sarah Degas, Clarissa (from colonial Angel Grove) and
Tanya Sloan.
Johnny Yong Bosch
D.O.B.: 6th January 1976
Hobbies and Skills: Mostly self taught as a martial artist,
earned the Purple Sash in Shaolin Kung Fu. Competed at state level in soccer.
Resume: TV: "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", "Power Rangers
Zeo", "Power Rangers Turbo".
Film: "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie", "Turbo:
A Power Rangers Movie"
On fame:
"Before I wasn't too popular, but now I know what that's
On martial arts:
"(It) taught me to have confidence in myself and not become
involved in things because of peer pressure."
Quick facts:
He is very religious.
Jason David Frank and Tracy Lynn Cruz are two cast mates he considers