The Nitpickers Guide for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
The format for each entry
is: place the error occurred, time in movie the error occurred : what the
actual error is. A couple of nitpicks are in a different format to this, but everything should be understandable.
Prologue : Zordon didn’t originally search for six teenagers, as he only had five
power coins.
Skydiving scene : when the rangers jump the ground is mostly field with some
houses, not the high-rise city area they will later land in.
Construction site, when the workers gather around Ivan’s tomb : There are several
“Australian made” stickers on the spades, which similarly show too little wear and
Near Ernies’, when the ranger’s communicators beep : As the rangers go past the
water, their shadows are very long, but in the place they teleport from, the shadows
have become much shorter.
The ranger’s helmets and blades disappeared when they teleported to be replaced with
normal footwear.
Oozelet fight, just before the rangers morph : A couple of shots of Rocky and
Kimberly are in early morning light. The same thing also happens later when the
White Ranger is fighting.
- "After morphing, the rangers follow the oozlts intot he parkign garage/construction site. Rocky and Adam jump off a ledge with a pair of oozlets in hot pursuit. 2 oozlets jump off the ledge behind them. 3 oozlets land." -Derik, #alt-mmpr
Phaedos, on cliff edge : When Tommy and Kimberly somersault, a blue shirted
crew member can be seen in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Phaedos, Tenga fight : During the aerial shot of the Tenga carrying Kimberly,
Adam is seen below, positioned a good distance from any cliff with one Tenga
approaching, but a couple of shots later, he is against a wall with two Tengas
grabbing him.
Carnival, as the kids cheer Ivan : An extra in the bottom left hand corner looks
directly into the camera.
- "The gargoyle fight: If you count and keep track, either 1 gargoyle moved REALLY QUICKLY... or there were 5 of them." -Derik, #alt-mmpr
- "When Billy jumps off the vine and hauld adam up 'elevator going up' he's on the ground, and adam's in the tree. Lo and behold, 30 seconds later Adam's back on the ground, and Billy's back in the tree." -Derik, #alt-mmpr
- "When the monolith opens, and the little glowing zords fly out, apparently blue and black look silimar under Phardons' red lens filter, because the SFX person had the wolph circle adam and the frog circle billy." -Derik, #alt-mmpr
- "The ninjamegazord formation sequence: The apezord attaches to the body of the ninjamegazord, clearly showing the head attached above it.
5 seconds later- the head attaches." -Derik, #alt-mmpr
Angel Grove, Zord fight : Aisha’s emblem is missing when she says “I’ve been hit
Command centre, when the rangers are first circling around Zordon : The
Rangers leave their helmets on the ledge, but in the shots of each individual ranger,
the helmet are right in front of them.
Feel free to print this guide as long as all headers remain intact and nothing is altered.
*If you have anything to add or dispute, mail me at
You will be given full credit for any mistakes published here, so pull out the VCR and start searching. As there are guides for the other series and the movies, mistakes for those too are welcome.
*Much thanks to Derik for his multiple contributions.