The Nitpickers Guide for Power Rangers in Space
The format for each entry is: place the error occurred, time in episode
the error occurred : what the actual error is. A couple of nitpicks
are in a different format to this, but everything should be understandable.
The terms beginning, middle, end refer to the nitpick's placing
in the episode, roughly equating to: before the monster arrives, while
the monster is around, and after the monster is destroyed respectively.
From Out of Nowhere Pt I
"The Villains' Party, Beginning - Dark Specter looks like Maligore
from "T:APRM" - Jason Takach
" The Villains' Party, Beginning - How Astronema knew that the guy
in the cape was a spy" - Jason Takach
"What happened to Dimitria and the Blue Senturion??" - Jason Takach
Megaship, when the teens are first exploring: When Carlos is first
seen through DECA's camera, Cassie is walking behind him. In the
the next shot though, she is walking infront.
From Out of Nowhere Pt II
"Astronema encounters the powerless Rangers, middle - Just how did
Astronema know that the teens were former Rangers?" - Jason Takach
"Andros returns - Where did he get the other Astro Morphers from?"
(Actually, I got this idea from The Angel Grove Youth Center Website, the
Comedy Club section, under "Things Never Seen On Power Rangers" at
- Jason Takach
"The teens morph into the Rangers, middle - the morphing sequence
is from the Japanese series "MegaRangers" - you can tell because, if you
do a slow motion view of Ashley morphing, you can see that it says "MEGA
NOW" underneath the "MORPHING COMPLETE" block!" - Jason Takach
"The Rangers are fired upon by Astronema, middle - When Alpha 6
is telling T.J. and Cassie about the Astro Megazord and the black
box, look closely at Andros. You'll see that he goes
from morphed w/ no helmet, to completely unmorphed in the uniform, to completely
morphed and in the pilot seat!" - Jason Takach
Save Our Ship
Surf Spot: When Andros sits at the table you can see there is a
rope draped above the ledge, but later on when Bulk grabs the water, the
rope has disappeared.
"The Rangers battle Ecliptor and destroy him, yet Ecliptor keeps coming
back again and again... explain that one!" - Jason Takach
"Astronema's Fortress, end - How did Astronema know about the Ninja
Turtles in New York City?" - Jason Takach
Shell Shocked
"The Turtles meet Astronema, beginning - How did Venus know about
Astronema, yet they all thought that the Power Rangers were pretend?" -
Jason Takach
Never Stop Searching
"** Note how Ashley's hairstyle keeps changing throughout the episode -
from bouncy to down and back to bouncy!" - Jason Takach
"Ecliptor on Astronema's ship, beginning - How come nobody on the
entire ship (Astronema, Elgar, and the QuanTrons) heard Ecliptor come in,
and why was he back? He was clearly blown up in "Save Our Ship".
- Jason Takach
Satellite Search
"Elgar flying after the satellite, beginning - there are two here...
1 - The previews at the end of the last episode showed Astronema saying
"Make sure! That satellite knows too much!" in a full-screen view,
yet in the episode, she said this on Elgar's view screen.
2 - The laser beams look like they completely missed the satellite,
yet the satellite appeared hit and went down onto the planet below." -
Jason Takach
"Elgar the Quantrons search for the satellite, beginning/middle
- Astronema had to yell for Elgar to hear her the first time, yet the rest
of her request was in a normal speaking tone." - Jason Takach
A Ranger Among Thieves
When Push Comes to Shove
The Craterite Invasion
The Wasp With A Heart
The Delta Discovery
The Great Evilyzer
Grandma Matchmaker
While Grandma Hammond drives the police car: The licence plates
on the car are reversed. Click here for picture
The Barillian Sting
T.J.'s Identity Crisis
Flashes of Darkonda
To be finished soon...
* Feel free to print this guide as long as all headers remain intact
and nothing is altered.
*If you have anything to add or dispute, mail me at
You will be given full credit for any mistakes published here, so pull out the VCR and
start searching. As there are guides for the other series and the movies, mistakes for those too
are welcome.
Big thanks to Jason Takach for his contributions