Tommy Oliver
Name: Thomas Oliver
D.O.B.: 20th September
Also Known As: Green Ranger, White Ranger, White Ninja, Red
Zeo Ranger, Red Turbo Ranger.
From: California . Has native American heritage.
Siblings: One brother.
Introduced: In "Green With Evil Pt 1". Competed against
Jason in a martial arts tournament.
Became a ranger: after being chosen by Rita Repulsa to be her
evil Green Ranger
Ultimately replaced by: T.J.
Personality: Brave, disciplined, ethical and forgetful
Hobbies and Skills: Martial arts, jet skiing, race car driving
Jason David Frank
D.O.B.: 4th September 1973
From: Covina, California
Family: Wife and two children
Ambition: To be the next Bruce Lee
Resume: TV:
"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", "Power Rangers Zeo", "Power Rangers Turbo",
"Family Matters", "Sweet Valley High"
Film: "Mighty
Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie", "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie"
On the D.A.R.E. programme:
"It's good that we're positive role
models and we teach the kids to say no to drugs."
On how Power Rangers changed him:
"I used to break bricks with my head.
I don't do it any more. I might slip and break my nose."
Quick Facts:
He is a fourth-degree black belt
He was one of the 50 Most Beautiful People of
1995 (according to People magazine)