The Nitpickers Guide for
Power Rangers Zeo
The format for each entry
is: place the error occurred, time in episode the error occurred : what the
actual error is. A couple of nitpicks are in a different format to this, but everything should be understandable. The
terms beginning, middle, end refer to the nitpicks placing in the episode, roughly equating to: before the monster arrives, while the
monster is around, and after the monster is destroyed respectively.
A Zeo Beginning Part 1
- Command Center wreckage, just before the ground completely collapses: Tanya says "I can't move my feet,": Tommy replies "Me neither",
and there is enough space between them to see Adam and Rocky, but the shots
from above have Tommy standing a lot closer to Tanya.
A Zeo Beginning Part 2
- The dialogue in the beginning of the episode changed what was said at the end of the last episode.
- Power Chamber, after Zordon announced how dangerous the Machine Empire was: For some reason,
Tanya, Rocky and Kat took the time to walk behind the control panel before asking questions about
the new enemy.
- Garage, middle: When Bulk, Skull, Rito and Goldar collided, they all fell backwards, but in the scene where
Bulk and Skull woke up, the two were lying next to each other.
- Power Chamber, when the rangers are receiving the Zeo powers: Kat has her
hands by her side in the shots from behind, but in the front-on shots of the same scene, she has her
hands folded in front of her.
The Shooting Star
- Outside, when Bulk and Skull are driving along the road: The background keeps changing. ie. when the
centers on Bulk, there is a white fenced cliff behind him, but when the shot is of Skull, at
supposedly the same moment, the background is of scrub.
- Youth Center, Tommy and Adam sparring: When Adam is rolling over Tommy's back,
behind them is a girl in a pink shirt and purple shorts, standing at the leg lift machine with two
other people, but when the camera angle changes for Adam's landing,
girl is alone and actually using the machine.
Target Rangers
- Study hall, beginning: Jennifer was meant to be writing the password, instead, the actress just
drew a straight line.
For Crying Out Loud
- Computer room, when Kat and Tommy are about to go online: Kat says the baby is
asleep, but as Tommy pushes the pram through the door you can see Joey's eyelids blink.
- Construction site, morphed fight scene: When Zeo Ranger V first reaches Joey at the
electrical plant it is obviously a doll in the pram, with its sleeves tied together for some
Rangers In The Outfield
- No errors.
Every Dog Has His Day
- Outside, in forest: The curl in Kat's hair keeps changing.
The Puppet Blaster
- First show, as Rocky is talking to Ernie: When Rocky is saying how great the show is, it
looks as if they are both close to the exit doorway, but all the other shots of the seats leave a good
distance between Rocky's seat and the exit.
Invasion Of The Ranger Snatchers
- Billy says the Power Chamber has no audio or visual contact with the rangers after Sprockett
captured them, but Zordon mentioned them being on a backlot before they came online.
- Bus chase, when morphed: The people seen being pulled from the bus were wearing
completely different clothes to the ones that landed.
Graduation Blues
- Near lake, beginning: When Bulk and Skull open the Aquitian vessel, the water pours
out at chest level to them. However, when the shot changes, the water is coming from
above their heads.
- Lake, cog fight: Six cogs appeared through the vortex, but the rest of the fight scene
made it look like there were twenty or so (each ranger seemed to be fighting off 4-5 cogs
at the same time).
A Few Bad Seeds
- Park path, middle: When Rocky leaves Adam to go to the library, his shirt sleeves go to
his wrists, but in the next shot of him walking away his sleeves are pushed halfway up his
arm (and there was no time for him to move them).
Instrument of Destruction
- Music Performance, end: The seating arrangement and the people in the audience
keep changing, the front row being most noticeable. Also, the number of
rows keep changing, depending on the shot.
Mean Screen
- Car park, Zord fight: When the defender wheel is rolling towards the monster, there's the
stock footage with the wheel rolling through dirt and past hills. But, as it landed in the car
park and finished in the car park, there logically shouldn't have been any hills or
dirt to go past.
Mr Billy's Wild Ride
- Billy's ship, beginning: If Billy's ship was low on power, why were those seemingly
useless red lights in the background still flashing?
- Billy said he wanted a smoothie when he got back, but when they were at Ernie's the drinks looked like
There's No Business Like Snow Business Part 1
- Lake, beginning: It was sunset/sunrise lighting when Tommy was first seen at the lake,
but after the flashbacks of Kim, when Kat arrives, it's normal daylight. That means either it was
sunrise and Tommy and Kat wore the same clothes they did the day before or
Angel Grove has dusk in the middle of the day.
- Ski slopes, middle: When Kat first saw the cogs she went right after them, but somehow
a mass of people got between them at the lift queue.
- Lodge, middle: The map Heather shows Tommy and Billy of the Widow Maker makes
the run appear to start at the top of the mountain, but Kat and the cogs reach it after going
downhill on the other runs.
- Peak of Widow Maker, middle/end: When Tommy, Billy and Heather are at the Widow
Maker sign Tommy has a pile of snow on his hat, but after he pulls down his goggles, the
snow is gone and the hat is dry.
There's No Business Like Snow Business Part 2
- Widow Maker, beginning: After Heather is pulled up from the side of the cliff, her
board is gone. Since it was firmly attached to her boots as she fell, it couldn't have fallen
off, and with both hands holding onto the branch, she couldn't have released it.
- Outside, middle: When Kat and Billy are returning to the lodge on the snow mobile, and
Kat says she wants cocoa, she has a woollen hat on. In all the other shots she's wearing a
There's No business Like Snow Business Part 3
- When Tommy, Kat and Billy arrive in the Power Chamber, Tommy is wearing a different shirt to the
one he wore in part 2 when they left Heather.
- Power Chamber, beginning: Zordon says its been five days of heat, but the
snowboarding trip was only for a weekend
- Lodge, middle: As Tommy, Kat and Billy are checking out of the lodge, they are wearing different
clothes (again), but they were meant to be hurrying to get back to Angel Grove
- Zord fight scene, middle: The sun was setting as the Zord and monster fought, but when
the rangers checked the monster it was daylight again
- Outside, middle: When Kat was walking with Tanya the curl in her hair was almost
gone, but after the fight, when she danced with Tommy, her hair was perfect again. Guess Kim was wrong about the helmets messing up your hair.
Inner Spirit
- Park, middle: If the monster was meant to be draining the power, what was he doing
messing around in the park?
- Gully, middle: When the Zeonised Rangers shot at the monster they were on the
ledge/path, but when the monster picked them up, they were in the gully.
- Cliff ledge, end: Just as David puts the arrowhead's halves together, the cords are lying
over his fingers and on the front of the head. However, in the close up where the halves fuse,
the cords all hang behind the arrowhead.
Found And Lost
- Tommy's hair was completely tied up when the group teleported from the Youth Center,
but in the Power Chamber it was half up, half down.
- Cave, middle: When Tommy used the arrowhead to appear to David in the cave, he was
in his red karate suit, even though his body was in the spandex.
Brother, Can You Spare an Arrowhead?
- Skull's garage, beginning: When Rito and Goldar's card tower falls, it is obviously a
glued together structure.
- Power Chamber, middle: Tommy's hair was all up when in costume, but after the rangers
dezeonised, the hair was half, half (see "Found and Lost", big boo boo in this mini series).
- Reservation, cog fight: Six cogs materialised, one then held David, but there were still
six cogs attacking the rangers.
- Desert, middle: When Tommy revealed his identity to David his hair was in a pony tail,
but back in the Power Chamber his hair was half-half.
Trust In Me
- Youth Center, beginning: When Penny first starts her demonstration, there are two
male extras standing behind her, one in black, one in blue. You see the one in blue walk
from the left to the right side of the other extra, but the next shot has him back on the left,
and they keep swapping instantaneously several more times.
- Park, middle: As Penny and Rocky are walking past Bulk and Skull (who are pretending to be statues) it
looks like there are no real statues behind Skull. However the dog view shots of Skull
from the ground make it look like there's a statue directly behind him.
- Behind building, middle: If Penny could recognise Rocky's voice when he was
morphed, why didn't she recognise Tanya's, who she had met at the beginning?
It Came From Angel Grove
- School, beginning: With the close ups of Tanya, the right hand side of her bangs is
different between when she is talking with Adam and when she is talking with Bulk and
- School, beginning: As Adam opens the door to black and white world, his necklace was under his
shirt, but once inside it was back on top.
Bulk Fiction
- Playground, beginning: as the shot comes behind Bulk and Skull and the car is seen stopping,
the car is next to the slide, but when the shot is from the front everyone is in front of the chain
- Police station, poetry reading: Only one fan is blowing, but there are several cross wind
moving the papers.
Song Sung Yellow
- Outside Youth center, first cog fight scene: The shadow lengths change, especially the
very short shadows of the rangers when they are standing together holding the pies.
- Youth Center, Tanya's second performance: The Youth Centre is really dark, but the
windows behind Tommy and the rest are all half open, letting in loads of light.
- Timing problem: Tanya did the second gig, the rangers fought the monster, the stage was
removed and Tanya turned down the contract all in one day, after school.
Game Of Honour
- Beach, when Shawn and Veronica are watching Adam practise on the sand: the light on
Adam is early dusk/dawn, but Veronica and Shawn
are in pretty much midday lighting.
- Beach, end: During the final contest, Tanya is standing near the corner of the mat, however, in the high shot from behind, just before the Shawn vs Adam match starts,
Tanya isn't there.
- Same scene as before: the audience extras and the umbrellas move position, especially with the
close ups of Tanya.
- Adam/Shawn contest, end: When Adam does a back flip, his red tag has fallen to the floor, but in the next shot, it is back in his belt -Contributed by White_Tiger
The Power Of Gold
- Power Chamber, first scene: The rangers are standing in a line with Adam at the
end, to the right (their right), next to Tanya. When the close up is of Tanya talking, Adam's shoulder
is still in the shot, but a shot later, Adam has moved to the middle of the line.
- Zord fight: the background is big dark thunder clouds, but everywhere else is clear
A Small Problem
- Desert, when Rocky picks up the shrunken car: There's no licensee plate in the desert, but one had
materialised when Billy is examining the jeep, in the Power
- Cave, as Bulk and Skull are running from the monster: Bulk's tool belt falls off, but when he
emerges from the cave later, it's back on.
Oily To Bed, Oily To Rise
- Beach, as Tommy and David go to rescue Kat: Tommy's hair was tied up when he went
into the water, but loose while actually swimming.
- Beach, end: Tommy, Kat and David all had perfect hair, even though they had been
swimming, fighting etc (Well, not David, but you the drift).
Rock-A-Bye Power Rangers
- Adam's fluffy hair in the Juice Bar was miraculously fixed by the time he
teleported to the Power Chamber.
- Power Chamber, middle: One of the shots of Adam and Rocky was done with a
different type of camera- it had a grainy quality.
Do I Know You?
- Power Chamber, beginning: The rangers seemed certain the Gold Ranger was male
(they kept saying "he"), so why was there a female name on the "Who is it" board?
- Power Chamber, end: Tommy's hair was in a ponytail, even though he morphed with it untied.
Revelations Of Gold
- Beach, after rescue: Tanya was almost completely dry when the rangers were talking to
Trey, even though she had also run into the water.
- Cave, beach: Everyone had dry jeans when they were hiding in the cave, but Tommy's
hair and
cotton shirt were still soaked.
A Golden Homecoming
- Machine Moon Base, when the monsters are being coated in the super metal: Drill Master
is seen in the queue, then he is being coated, but then he is seen back in the queue again
Mondo's Last Stand
- Youth Center, Tommy and Jason are sparring and Bulk and Skull are giving Rocky a hard time: As Skull says, "Kinda takes you back", its a wide shot of the Youth Center and
Rocky has his hands resting over his waist, but in the next shot, a close up of Bulk,
Skull and Rocky, Rocky has his hands clenched over his chest.
Bomber In The Summer
- Beach Club Opening, end: The Rangers were all wearing the same clothes as what they wore
when the Beach Club was being set up, even though the opening was a day later.
Scent Of A Weasel
- First monster fight, middle: When the rangers are first fighting, they could smell the
stench, but in the Power Chamber, they were acting as if they couldn't smell anything.
The Lore Of Auric
- Beach, beginning: When Tanya reads the letter, there are two locks of hair that fall on
her face, but in close ups the hair pieces are pushed back.
- Cave, end: As above when Tanya is reunited with her parents.
The Ranger Who Came In From The Gold
- Park, middle: Just before the statue turns the picnic table to gold, it's left paw is up, but
the next shot of it has it's right paw up.
The Joke's On Blue
- City, middle: The ground bended when the enlarged Louie was stomping around.
Where in the World is Zeo Ranger 5?
- Lake edge, after Tommy disappears: On the jet ski, Kat's hair becomes fly away, but on
the sand, when Kat contacts Zordon, her hair has suddenly become tidier.
- Beach, cog fight: 6 cogs materialise, but 7 left. Also, they were always filmed as being
more than 6. For example, as a cog is kicking the scanner out of Kat's hand, there are 4
cogs behind the cog, and another holding Kat, but as the cog lands, there are another 3
cogs standing behind Kat, making a total of nine.
- Park, second fight with monster: The rangers fight in midday light (ie almost no
shadows) but when Gasket calls Klank, the shadows are much longer.
- Power Chamber, end: In most of the scene, Jason has his arms resting by his sides, but in the only shot of the Power Chamber taken from behind the control panel, he's standing with his hands on his hips.
King for A Day Part 1
- Beach, when Jason goes in the vortex: In the winding shot just before Kat collapses to
the ground (as Zordon tells her not to go into the hologram) there is a really clear shot of
the film crew in her visor.
- Power Chamber, after Jason goes through the dimensional porthole: The remaining rangers and Billy switch positions "Example: Rocky would be standing in the center with Billy and Tanya to his left, and Adam and Kat to his right. They'd cut to another scene then come back to the Power Chamber and a different person would be standing in the center"- White_Tiger on #alt-mmpr
- Moon, middle: Somehow Rito and Goldar's TV managed to pick up a interdimensional
transmission with a rabbit ear antennae.
King For A Day Part 2
- Prison cell, early: When the cog opens the cage door to Bulk and Skull, he moved a key
around, but there wasn't any lock.
- Arena, near end: Kat's hair kept changing after she dezeonised.
A Brief Mystery Of Time
- No errors.
A Mystery To Me
- Dining room, first scene: The two candles and the serving dish continually change their position around the table depending on the shot.
- Hallway, before Tommy is trapped: The red ribbon around Tommy's hat is askew as he walks down the hall, but straight again as he walks into the dungeon.
- Power Chamber, middle: How could Zordon be unable to contact Jason? He wasn't
anywhere special, and Kat's communicator worked in the house.
Another Song And Dance
- Zord Fight, middle: Cutting a quadra fighter in half but leaving the cog intact was a cute
trick, but still it ignores some fundamental laws of physics.
Rangers Of Two Worlds Part 1
- Moon, middle: When Rita's staff fired it was pointed directly at the moon surface, but
the ray hit the Earth.
Ranger Of Two Worlds Part 2
- Zord Fight, middle: The girls jumped into the head of the Superzeomegazord when they
were taking it back, but the evil cog thing was in the left knee.
- Outside, Alien Ranger/Zeo Ranger cog fight: The linear order of the Zeo and Aquitian
rangers when they run towards the cogs is different to the order when they're posturing.
Hawaii Zeo
- Power Chamber, beginning: Tommy said he got the cut on his cheek that morning, but
he had the scar when Billy left in the last 2 episodes.
- Youth Center, beginning: Jason had a different shirt when he came to the Youth
Center to the one he wore in the Power Chamber.
- How did Ernie organise a luau in one day? It looks like that's what happened, because
when Rocky and Tommy were sparring, Rocky said the luau was that day, and after that
scene, Alpha said it was the same day as Jason started to lose his powers, which was the day that
Ernie returned from his holiday.
Good As Gold
- Youth Center, middle: When Tommy is helping Jason off the floor, there is a mark on
his forearm which looks suspiciously like a covered up tattoo.
- Desert, middle: Tommy had his hair partly up in the desert, even though it had been
down in the Power Chamber beforehand.
- Desert, middle: As Trey is reunified, the shadow lengths are medium length, but as the
Gold Ranger joining the cog fight, the shadows are really long.
A Season To Remember
- Apart from the fact it's airing date was out of order with the rest of the series, no found errors.
Feel free to print this guide as long as all headers remain intact and nothing is altered.*If you have anything to add or dispute, mail me at
You will be given full credit for any mistakes published here, so pull out the VCR and start searching. As there are guides for the other series and the movies, mistakes for those too are welcome.
*Thanks to White_Tiger and sailor for their contributions.